Just a teaspoon a day of turmeric can help fight cancer, depression and allergies

‘Turmeric is known for its iconic yellow-orange hue and for being a staple in South Asian cuisine. It has become increasingly popular for its medicinal uses and health benefits, and is widely considered to be a “superfood.” While there are many skeptics, turmeric has been subjected to hundreds of studies and scientific experiments.
Curcumin, one of the key compounds found in turmeric, has been of particular interest. Many studies of turmeric root and curcumin have yielded promising results. The drawbacks of many scientific studies is their lack of human test subjects, however.
As part of the BBC series, Trust Me I’m A Doctor, Dr. Michael Mosley and his colleagues sought to investigate what benefits, if any, turmeric might provide humans in their daily lives.’
Read more: Just a teaspoon a day of turmeric can help fight cancer, depression and allergies

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