Lie, Deny, Revise, Claim Not To Remember, Stall

In recent months the mainstream media has worked itself into a frenzy trying to defend Hillary from the various scandals surrounding her campaign.  There is seemingly no end to the “plumes of smoke” emanating from the Clinton camp including questions over Benghazi, missing emails, pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, strange “medical episodes”, etc, etc, etc.  All the while, the press simply can’t bring themselves to understand why voters never quite view her as a trustworthy candidate. 

The problem, says Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal, is that the Clinton’s have been embroiled in so many scandals dating all the way back to the 1970’s that their name has been branded into the American psyche as being synonymous with the word “scandal” itself.  While millennial voters are most familiar with the recent scandals (and we all know how well that is playing out for her, see: “Hillary’s Growing “Millennial Problem” Forces A Reset“), older voters have been hearing about the Clinton escapades for over a quarter century since they first entered public life on the national level in the early 90’s. 

Of course, after 3 years passed an investigation by the GAO found that, in fact, Hillary did play a direct role in the firing of the 7 travel office employees.  Moreover, a memo originally written by White House Chief of Staff, David Watkins, surfaced which directly connected Hillary to the event saying “there would be hell to pay” if staffers did not conform “to the first lady’s wishes.”

But, of course, by that time, the scandal had passed, the press had moved on and Hillary was able to simply dismiss any new questions as a futile effort of right-wing conspiracy nuts to raise doubts about a scandal that had been put to bed long ago.  A plan that the Wall Street Journal dubbed the “Clinton Scandal Ritual”:

Clinton Scandal Ritual: lie, deny, revise, claim not to remember specifics, stall for time. When it passes, call the story “old news” full of questions that have already been answered. ‘As I’ve repeatedly said . . .’”

Seemingly not much has changed over the past 25 years….

Reprinted with permission from Zero Hedge.

The post Lie, Deny, Revise, Claim Not To Remember, Stall appeared first on LewRockwell.

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