Modern Education is Pavlovian Conditioning

‘Assessing the problems in American public education and academia elicits standard responses that are generally trite and multitude. “Lack of funding,”, or “adequately trained teachers,” often round out the usual replies, yet system-generated solutions to the perceived problems are always external in nature (especially given the problems are themselves system-generated).
The diagnosis of the causes are also consistently external, leading to endless debates over appropriation and methodology, ever and always overlooking the actual problem, that academia as an institution no longer functions the way most perceive it. The very presupposition of the modern debates over education are precisely concerned with how to fix a “broken system,” yet I propose the system is functioning perfectly as it was intended: The goal of public education and academia is not education, but socialization and Pavlovian social engineering.’
Read more: Modern Education is Pavlovian Conditioning

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