Munch The Evidence: Three Police Officers Resign After Forcing Motorist To Eat Marijuana

‘Three Phoenix police officers resigned, while a lieutenant was demoted after they forced a 19-year-old to eat marijuana at a predawn traffic stop. The cops were wearing body cameras that were turned off at the time.
Phoenix Police Chief Joe Yahner named three officers who have resigned following a September 13 incident, where they pulled over a 19-year-old at 3:30 a.m. and found that he had a gram of marijuana in his vehicle. Instead of taking the young man to jail, they offered him an alternative: eat the drugs and go home.
Naturally, he took the option that did not involve spending time in jail for a drug charge. He brought the matter to the department’s attention later and reported that after eating the weed, he received a traffic ticket and was allowed to leave. He was sick as a result, Arizona Republic reported.’
Read more: Munch The Evidence: Three Police Officers Resign After Forcing Motorist To Eat Marijuana

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