Nightmarish Global Military Agenda. Threats of US Nuclear Attacks against North Korea. American Empire Is the Real Enemy of Both Koreas

‘Warring hotspots all over the world are flaring up in 2016 in what amounts to preparation for World War III between the military forces of the US led Western Empire against the forces of the Eastern axis led by Russia and China joined by Iran and North Korea. Let’s be clear – the globalists are the puppet masters behind the Western forces intentionally provoking catastrophic world war.
We live in a time when the earth’s ruling elite has willfully created this foreboding, seemingly suicidal endgame scenario, using US Empire to prod, orchestrate, and push the world into two enemy camps in a West vs. East showdown.’
Read more: Nightmarish Global Military Agenda. Threats of US Nuclear Attacks against North Korea. American Empire Is the Real Enemy of Both Koreas

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