O Come, All Ye Statists

Perhaps the timing is merely more of government’s stunning incompetence, with a bureaucrat somewhere mistaking September 1 for September 11. Or perhaps the State’s officiates are already preparing as one of their holiest days approaches, much as Christians meditate during Lent. At any rate, last Thursday, September 1, “Transportation Security Administration officials from Washington Dulles International Airport” held a “ceremony,” during which they “unveiled a memorial piece of limestone taken from the Pentagon following the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001.”

This bit of rubble, “measuring 31 inches long, 13 inches deep, 4 inches high and weighing 110 pounds,” looks curiously pristine in pictures. (One report claims, “The stone shows damage from the attack…,” but I don’t see it. My favorite shot shows the TSA’s thugs apparently mistaking it for the Holy Grail, so avidly are they photographing it). No doubt, we are to infer that this icon hails from the damaged area of the Pentagon, just as we are to believe that terrorists would attack the ol’ Homeland but for Our vigilant, valiant Rulers. Yet the debris’

Yeah, Scott, I’m sure they do. Why rush to make a plane after the TSA has already impossibly delayed us when instead we can waste even more of our time on your folderol? I don’t suppose the fact that you “talk to” passengers who are spread-eagled while your goons probe their orifices accounts for the lack of dissent you hear, now, does it? Or the knowledge that said goons “detain” those who object to this “patriotism” into missing their flights?

Unfortunately, “Dulles Airport Manager Christopher Browne” indulged in sentimental reflections about “[hearing] the impact of Flight 77 as it careened into the west wall of the Pentagon” and “the Pentagon’s smoke plume drift[ing] onto the airport.” Then he warned, “…when the voices from witnesses like me one day fall silent, our personal recollections will become a distant tale.” Huh? “If we are not deliberate in preserving and honoring the memories from that day, they will be forgotten and lost to history we cannot let that happen.” Why not? Let’s hope that such bathetic twaddle is indeed “lost to history” so the real story of the Feds’ unspeakably wicked false flag can at last triumph over tawdry nationalism.

Browne calls the slab “a hallowed remnant.” “Hallowed” is a pretty big word for someone with an IQ low enough to swallow the TSA’s balderdash. So perhaps he doesn’t realize it means “regarded as holy; venerated; sacred.”

Or maybe he does, which makes him and the whole 9/11 con even scarier.

The post O Come, All Ye Statists appeared first on LewRockwell.

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