On the Ground in Aleppo: 21WIRE Interviews Correspondent Tom Duggan in Syria

‘Amid talks of a temporary US-Russian brokered ceasefire in Syria this week, the conflict still rages on – both on the ground and also in the media.
At ever turn, the US media, both on TV via its pedestrian, and often pro-terrorist it seems, propaganda outlets like CNN, and in print with ever-compliant US State Dept oracles like the New York Times – will try to frame the story as simply “Rebel-held Aleppo” by ignoring and expunging one situation: that of government-held West Aleppo which has 1.5 million residents under government protection but currently being shelled indiscriminately by terrorists in the east of the city.
Instead, the western media focus exclusively on ‘rebel-held’ (terrorist-held) East Aleppo (200K remaining, many of them terrorists and their supporter) while intentionally describing the scene as ‘The Assad Government’s Siege of Aleppo” giving the western public the false impression that a merry band of rebels are the only one left in the whole city and are being besieged by the forces of an evil Bashar al Assad. This cosmetic treatment of the facts on the ground feigns reality in Syria.’
Listen here …

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