Options for Armed Defense

In your own words, tell me what this book is about and who you perceive as the target audience.

PREPPER’S ARMED DEFENSE is intended to be a guide for those seeking advice and input as to their options when it comes to taking up weapons against those who would do them harm.

The book isn’t going to turn anyone into an expert marksman or any sort of martial arts warrior. Instead, it is a down to earth, practical reference explaining the pros and cons of dozens of different weapons, from firearms to blades, pepper spray to stun guns.

While firearms are often the most effective weapon in most scenarios, there are many people for whom guns just aren’t an

One thing I’ve noticed, and I’m far from the only one who’s seen this, is the continuing proliferation of those who are seeking to just cash in on the prepper/survivalist niche. These are people who have little or no practical knowledge on the topics but know how to take dazzling photos and combine them with SEO marketing tricks so they can appear to be reputable sources of information. There is just so much bad information out there that gets passed around and repeated over and over until it is treated like gospel. Unfortunately, there’s little to be done about it. Just be sure you double and triple check your sources for information when you’re doing research.

As for the future, I see more and more people gravitating toward the self-reliance arena. People are waking up and realizing it is important to know where their food comes from, what’s in the water they drink, and how to do things for themselves. This is a great thing and I hope it continues.

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The post Options for Armed Defense appeared first on LewRockwell.

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