Parents of vaccine-damaged children wrongly imprisoned, as doctors blame ‘shaken baby syndrome’

‘Shaken baby syndrome is often cited as the cause of infant death, but what if many of these parents aren’t really killing their children? Much like sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), shaken baby syndrome (SBS) often follows vaccination. The difference is that parents are not generally imprisoned over SIDS, while parents of SBS children typically are. Hundreds of parents will be brought to court over SBS this year, but are all of them truly guilty?
As Natural News writer Jonathan Benson has previously noted, it is assumed that children who’ve suffered SBS display certain symptoms. Brain swelling, bleeding from the blood-brain barrier and bleeding at the back of the eyes are all supposed symptoms of SBS, but Benson points out that recent research has suggested “that most humans aren’t capable of shaking an infant hard enough to produce the symptoms commonly associated with SBS.”‘
Read more: Parents of vaccine-damaged children wrongly imprisoned, as doctors blame ‘shaken baby syndrome’ 

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