Party that won one seat in new Duma offers representation to outsiders

‘The Civil Platform party, which obtained a single seat in the Lower House in the recent elections, has offered to draft and promote legislative initiatives submitted by parties that fell short in the election.
“The Civil Platform is offering all parties that have not made it into the parliament to use its representation capabilities in the State Duma to draft and support their own legislative initiatives aimed at Russia’s development. The party is also ready to begin negotiations of the ideology of a political bloc built on its basis,” party leader and MP Rifat Shaykhutdinov said in a statement released on Wednesday.
Shaykhutdinov, who was elected from an independent single-mandate constituency, also promised not to join any parliamentary factions or blocs and only work in the interests of those who voted for him.’
Read more: Party that won one seat in new Duma offers representation to outsiders

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