Pay-Pal won’t serve Palestinians But will serve Israelis living among the population

‘PayPal is battling a growing chorus of opposition to its refusal to serve customers in the Palestinian territories, as British politicians join a US campaign group and hundreds of Palestinian nationals in calling for the payments service to lift its Palestinian blackout.
PayPal operates in 203 countries worldwide, but has never allowed Palestinian users to sign up with addresses located in Gaza or the West Bank, despite continued pressure from residents in the regions.
PayPal’s opponents argue that Palestine’s technology sector is being crippled by the decision to not roll out its services to Palestinians. PayPal claims that the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza simply do not meet the service’s regulatory requirements. The company told Motherboard in an email that there are no immediate plans to expand into the region.’
Read more: Pay-Pal won’t serve Palestinians But will serve Israelis living among the population

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