Philippine president declares ‘State of Lawlessness’ after Bomb Blast. ‘Not Martial Law’

‘Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte seized upon the pretext provided by a bomb blast in a marketplace in the southern city of Davao Friday night to announce a nationwide “state of lawlessness.” The declaration is a significant step toward the formal declaration of martial law.
The bomb, which was set off in Roxas Night Market in Davao, killed 15 people and injured at least 71. Duterte, who was in Davao at the time, appeared at the bombing site at four in the morning and announced to the press that he had placed Davao city under military lock-down and that he was declaring a nationwide “state of lawlessness.”
While stating that this was “not martial law,” Duterte told the press that the military would be “running the country.”’
Read more: Philippine president declares ‘State of Lawlessness’ after Bomb Blast. ‘Not Martial Law’

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