Prepare for Your Winter Power Outage

In honor of National Preparedness Month, here’s a look back at a popular NatGeo special from 2013.

When it first aired in 2013, NatGeo’s survival show, American Blackout, was a hot topic around the country. It definitely caught the attention of non-preppers from coast to coast. More recently, Ted Koppel wrote about the strong possibility of cyber terrorism taking out our power grid in his book, Lights Out. In our current fragile economy with unrest in so many different sectors, the last thing we need is a long-term, widespread blackout.

You may have read One Second After or Light’s Out, the novel by David Crawford, and had more than one or two panic attacks, but what have you done to prepare for this worst case scenario and are your survival priorities in their proper order? How about getting started with these tips for preparing for a winter power outage:

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