Prescription drugs giving many people chemical lobotomies

‘In a fundamental way, psychiatry has not changed from the days in which patients suffering from mental distress were given frontal lobotomies, alleges psychologist Steve Taylor of Leeds Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom, author of Back to Sanity: Healing the Madness of Our Minds.
For decades, lobotomies were standard procedure in U.S. and European psychiatry, even though there was practically no evidence that they were effective, but abundant evidence that they caused severe side effects, including brain damage and suicide. Success was achieved when a patient had become emotionally numb and docile.
Much the same could be said about modern psychiatric drugs, Taylor says; they expose people to horrific side effects and numb their ability to engage with the outside world, with little evidence that they provide any benefit.’
Read more: Prescription drugs giving many people chemical lobotomies

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