Russia Calls For ‘Emergency’ UN Security Council Meeting Regarding US Bombing Of Syrian Military

‘After the United States launched an attack against Syrian forces in Deir al-Zour early on Saturday morning, Russia is now calling for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council and an immediate explanation from the United States.
The Americans claim that the bombing was merely a mistake; however, it is hard to make that claim when the two sides were in battle with one another at the time of the airstrikes. In addition, the United States did not inform the Russians of the attack plan and thus Russia was not able to inform the U.S. that the Syrian forces were in that location. As a result, many may legitimately wonder whether or not the U.S. did not contact the Russians in order to maintain plausible deniability.’
Read more: Russia Calls For ‘Emergency’ UN Security Council Meeting Regarding US Bombing Of Syrian Military

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