Seven Things You Need To Know About Deceptively Harmful Technology

‘In the quest for complete global domination, including a hidden world depopulation agenda, the world’s ruling elite and associates now have an unprecedented arsenal of weapons and resources for the silent war on humanity. A number of these weapons and resources exist in the form of technology deceptively hidden in plain sight having common widespread use.
Thus, the majority of the public is unaware that this technology is a double-edge sword. Much effort has been made by the ruling elite and associates to keep the harmful sides secretive. The technology is supported by those having ulterior motives tied in to hidden agendas and schemas. To which there are a number of recurring patterns in this gross deception.
Recognising the ulterior motives and related recurring patterns will help lead you to identify this harmful technology. Then you can take action; safeguard yourself from becoming ill or winding up dead.’
Read more: Seven Things You Need To Know About Deceptively Harmful Technology

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