Shocker: Military Insiders and War Profiteers Will Be Reviewing the Horrendous Private Immigration Prisons for Homeland Security

‘The Department of Homeland Security declared on Monday that it will review its widespread use of for-profit immigrant detention centers, in what amounts to an implied acknowledgment that human rights abuses plague its prisons, some of which house mothers with their children.
If the announcement translates into meaningful action, it could help chip away at the political power of a private prison industry that has aggressively lobbied for harsh immigration policies, including the congressional immigrant detention quota, which today directs Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hold an average of 34,000 people in detention on a daily basis…
…However, a critical aspect of the DHS announcement has gone overlooked. The federal agency’s plan is contingent on a review process initiated by the so-called “Homeland Security Advisory Council.”’
Read more: Shocker: Military Insiders and War Profiteers Will Be Reviewing the Horrendous Private Immigration Prisons for Homeland Security

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