Synereo raises $1.2 Million to Fix the Internet


The Internet is not so Free

Today the internet is the most critical tool for people to communicate with each other. We have all been doing it with the help of middlemen, or should I say companies like Gmail, Slack, Dropbox, Hipchat and a million other web based programs or apps that are used daily.

Internet companies have been providing these so called “FREE” services in exchange for our privacy. They store our personal data and use it to generate PROFIT. Internet users that have been consuming, creating and sharing content had no other choice than to give up their privacy and go through these intermediaries. Until now.

Enter Synereo

Inspired by Bitcoin’s Blockchain, the Synereo platform is the only platform that allows any application to exist entirely without a centralized server. Synereo’s mission is to build a truly free Internet, one that cannot be censored, taken down or corrupted. Billed as a next-gen blockchain with speeds and levels of trust far greater than anything that exists today, Synereo hopes to play a huge role in the emerging decentralized economy.

Synereo’s smart contracting language, Rholang, with its formal semantics and strong behavioral types allows developers to write less code with more security. As more Synereo Decentralized Apps (dApps) are built and the ecosystem evolves we will start to see many of our favorite sites recreated on the Synereo platform.

Synereo reaching Critical Mass with OpenLedger

To help us get to a more free and fair internet sooner, Synereo has an accompanying cryptocurrency called AMP, it compensates users for contributing storage, computation, and bandwidth to the network; fueling the underlying decentralized servers.


The Synereo platform is incentivizing participation through AMP rewards, and OpenLedger was one of the first platforms to rally their users with an innovative content machine called the Obits 500 Bloggers’ Club. As content gets produced for the OpenLedger startup ecosystem, the material will start to be shared on social media.  This will accelerate Synereo’s growth as it is looking to add as many users as possible.

Integrating AMP rewards for promoting OpenLedger projects will yield huge scales of economy when it comes to cross promotion as a part of community activities.  If users are rewarded AMPS for popular social media posts, the emphasis will be placed on producing quality content.

Investing in Synereo

Synereo’s fundraising campaign is listed on, the online investment platform for financial innovation and technology investment opportunities. Qualifying investors can invest in, and receive shares of, Synereo LTD. BnkToTheFuture allows you to invest in Synereo LTD via Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Bitcoin, and a variety of Altcoins.

Synereo Fundraising

Additional Bonus for Synereo Participants

As a special bonus to all readers throughout the crowdfunding campaign, OpenLedger offers 10 OBITS in exchange to all signups using the following link. You can claim them by sending 1 AMP (on OpenLedger all deposited AMPs are showing on the platform as OPEN.AMP) to the account on OpenLedger named: synereo.

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