Take That ManBearPig – France Inflicts Massive Blow To Global Warming With Plastic Cutlery Ban

‘Turmoil and global conflict, at many times in history, have had a way of coalescing people around a common goal propelling nations to accomplish feats never before imaginable. As an example, World War II transformed America from a largely isolated nation into a global military and manufacturing powerhouse.
Today, Europe finds itself in the throes of a heated political debate over open border policies which have already led to Brexit and threatens the stability of the entire European Union. Faced with such adversity, French legislators, like the men and women who rushed off to war in the 1940s, have come together in a fierce display to solidarity to….wait for it….that’s right, to ban disposable cutlery.’
Read more: Take That ManBearPig – France Inflicts Massive Blow To Global Warming With Plastic Cutlery Ban

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