Tech giants form ‘news cartel’ to control official news while discrediting and censoring all stories they don’t want you to see

‘First Draft News, which is backed by Google, announced Tuesday that some 20 news organizations will be part of its partner network to share information on best practices for journalism in the online age.
Jenni Sargent, managing director of First Draft, said the partner network will help advance the organization’s goal of improving news online and on social networks.
“Filtering out false information can be hard. Even if news organizations only share fact-checked and verified stories, everyone is a publisher and a potential source,” she said in a blog post.
“We are not going to solve these problems overnight, but we’re certainly not going to solve them as individual organizations.”’
Read more: Tech giants form ‘news cartel’ to control official news while discrediting and censoring all stories they don’t want you to see

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