Theresa May Bans Ministers Talking To The Media

‘Having depicted Theresa May as a tough, good sort, with traditional English stiff upper lip values and a sense of social justice, one could be forgiven for forgetting that she has forced through some of the most oppressive laws Britain has seen since the start of World War Two in what many see as the start of an authoritarian leadership style bordering on dictatorship.
The Snoopers Charter or Investigatory Powers Bill should alarm us all as government agencies will very soon have the ability to not just listen into devices but interfere with them at will – it’s an extension of intrusive state power under the rather bland heading of “equipment interference”. Described as a ‘machiavellian masterpiece‘ it authorises the state to hack our devices, deliver viruses, malware and destructive trojan’s at will.’
Read more: Theresa May Bans Ministers Talking To The Media

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