This Basic Grammar Quiz

The proper use of ‘too, to and two’ and ‘they’re, their and there’ are just some of the grammatical rules drummed into us from a very young age.

And yet, in a world where LOL and BRB are as commonplace as full stops, people slip up on an all too frequent basis.

Now, a new Playbuzz quiz is attempting to establish how good you are at identifying the commonly misused words – and determine if you’re really a ‘Grammar God’.

SGI English Grammar, who posted the quiz, say: ‘These 3 are the words that cause most problems in English: your v you’re, its v it’s and there v their v they’re.’

And they’re making sure to test you on all in this puzzle.

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The quiz asks the participants to fill in the blanks in a sentence, asking them to choose from a selection of homonyms with only one being grammatically correct.

Find out how good you are by taking the test below and see if you correctly guess the answers – which are revealed in the captions.


ANSWER: You're

ANSWER: You’re




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