US urges Bahrain to free jailed rights campaigner Nabeel Rajab

‘The United States has called on the Bahraini regime to release prominent rights activist, Nabeel Rajab, citing “concerns” over silencing dissidents in the Persian Gulf country.
“We call on the government of Bahrain to release him immediately,” US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Tuesday, adding that, “We have concerns about the state of human rights in general in Bahrain and we’re engaging with the government… on all these issues.”
The move was prompted just two days after the New York Times published a letter by Rajab, noting that the 52-year-old activist was facing new charges for organizing pro-democracy demonstrations and publishing Twitter posts deemed “insulting” to the Bahraini authorities.’
Read more: US urges Bahrain to free jailed rights campaigner Nabeel Rajab

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