Wake Up Call — Bumble Bee Just Proposed For U.S. Endangered Species Status

‘Earlier this month, mosquito eradication efforts in South Carolina, gone horribly wrong, resulted in almost total devastation to the indigenous bee populations. The pesticide used to target the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti species of mosquito, which can carry and transmit the Zika virus, killed off millions of bees. This single incident is one of many that has been laying waste to beneficial pollinators, which has now led to the bumble bee’s proposed listing as an endangered species.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Wednesday proposed listing the rusty patched bumble bee, a prized but vanishing pollinator once widely found in the upper Midwest and Northeastern United States, for federal protection as an endangered species, according to Reuters.’
Read more: Wake Up Call — Bumble Bee Just Proposed For U.S. Endangered Species Status

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