What To Do in a Bleeding Emergency

Knowing how to stop heavy bleeding can literally be a matter of life and death.

It can occur within minutes and more than 35 percent of victims die before they even reach the hospital.

So would you know what to do if faced with a victim of a car crash, work accident or even a terror attack?

Here, experts reveal the simple steps anyone can take to improve the chances of someone’s survival until trained professionals arrive.

Dr Matthew Levy, an associate professor of emergency medicine at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, says it’s important to recognise what a severe bleed looks like.

He also believes special bleeding control kits containing gauze and tourniquets – blood-constricting devices – could be placed in public areas in case of emergency.


It may seem obvious to say, but severe bleeding is noticeable when blood is flowing quickly out of a wound.

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Other signs are a growing pool of blood on the ground or clothing being soaked.

Call for an ambulance immediately and looks for any changes in behaviour which could indicate shock from blood loss.

Dr Levy told LiveScience: ‘To slow the bleeding, a person doesn’t necessarily need any special tools or a bleeding control kit.

‘It’s all about finding the severe bleeding and stopping it.’


To properly see the wound, the victim’s clothes must be removed or cut to get a better look.

If there is obvious dirt or debris, experts recommended removing it if possible.

But they warn removing large objects or ones embedded in the wound, can actually result in a heavier bleed.

Avoid pressing on an item in a wound as it may end up being pushed further in, St John Ambulance says.

Instead, the NHS advise pressing firmly on either side of the object.

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