With the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Ropes, It’s Corporate Power vs. People Power on Capitol Hill

‘As President Barack Obama gathered high-profile supporters of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) for a meeting at the White House on Friday, the corporate-friendly trade agreement was dealt a blow as Vietnam’s parliament deferred its long-expected ratification.
Reuters reported from Hanoi Friday that Vietnam will not include ratification of TPP on its agenda for its next parliament session, which begins October 20.
This adds “to uncertainty over the future of…Obama’s signature trade deal,” the news agency wrote. “As arguably the biggest beneficiary of the deal covering 40 percent of the global economy, Vietnam was expected to be among the first to ratify the TPP, the prospect of which helped spur record foreign investment last year in its booming manufacturing sector.”‘
Read more: With the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Ropes, It’s Corporate Power vs. People Power on Capitol Hill

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