YouTube To Become One Giant Safe Space?

Content creators who helped build the YouTube platform are being stabbed in the back.

Social media is now starting to push the politically correct mantra to official levels.

Twitter has already been moving quickly in this direction as was witnessed when it banned Milo Yiannopoulos for his Ghostbuster comments.

Now a new “advertiser friendly” policy is being introduced by YouTube that will effectively punish users who express politically incorrect opinions or dare to offend viewers.

The punishment will be doled out in the form of  de-monetizing content.

YouTube will retain the right to demonetize any videos that contain…

“Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown.”

Also in the demonetization crosshairs… YouTubers are already reporting that videos on everything from acne solutions to tips on combating depression are being demonetized because they are not “advertiser friendly”.

Prominent YouTuber Philip DeFranco responded to the controversy by vowing, “I’m not going to censor myself,” despite the fact that dozens of his videos have already been demonetized.

Google-owned YouTube is of course a private company and can enforce any rules it likes, but with the advent of such corporations becoming so large (more powerful than countries in some cases), in addition to them insisting on being treated as a public utility, the move is a massive stab in the back for the content creators who helped build the platform in the first place.


The post YouTube To Become One Giant Safe Space? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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