Zika Scam: U.S. to pay Japan over $300 MILLION to develop new Zika vaccine

‘If you’re someone looking to fleece the American taxpayer and the U.S. government out of hundreds of millions of dollars, one of the best ways to do it is to invent a medical crisis and promise to deliver a new vaccine “cure” for it.
Someone in Japan figured out that this is a pretty good angle for a scam, and has used it to extract $300 million from our broke government, with the promise of developing a vaccine for the Zika virus.
As reported by Fierce Biotech, the government’s public health emergency agency, BARDA, is footing the bill, paying Japanese Big Pharma firm Takeda to develop the vaccine, “as new figures suggest billions are now at risk of the disease” – the symptoms of which, by the way, are extremely mild, mainly consisting of red eyes, muscle aches and a low-grade fever.’
Read more: Zika Scam: U.S. to pay Japan over $300 MILLION to develop new Zika vaccine

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