Aleppo trap: US/UK backed rebel-held East on lockdown, civilians used as human shields

‘Militants controlling eastern Aleppo have now completely barred residents from leaving the area and crossing to government-controlled districts under threat of shelling, using them as a human shield against the army. An RT crew witnessed the hostage crisis.
“East Aleppo is on total lockdown. Nobody is allowed in or out – not the sick, not women, not children,” RT’s Murad Gazdiev reports from the checkpoint in the Bustan al-Qasr district, the one that the Red Crescent tried to use to deliver aid to East Aleppo only recently, but were refused. All seven checkpoints between eastern and western Aleppo have now been sealed by rebels, mined and barricaded to prevent anyone from crossing over.
RT’s crew visited three of the seven checkpoints and spoke to those on the western side whose relatives have been locked behind the rebels’ fortifications.’
Read more: Aleppo trap: US/UK backed rebel-held East on lockdown, civilians used as human shields

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