Aliens could survive on a diet of radiation, study finds
‘A bug found feeding off radioactive uranium has opened the possibility to scientists that alien life could survive on a diet of cosmic rays and not require light, oxygen and carbon – believed to be the building blocks of life here on Earth.
The bacterium Desulforudis audaxviator was found 2.8km beneath a gold mine in South Africa, completely deprived of all things required for photosynthesis. The discovery is leading scientists to rethink their theories on what is required to create life, according to a study published by the Royal Society.
“It really grabbed my attention because it’s completely powered by radioactive substances,” publisher of the findings Dimitra Atri told Science Alert. “Who’s to say life on other worlds doesn’t do the same thing?”, Atri adds.’
Read more: Aliens could survive on a diet of radiation, study finds
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