Alternative Power Centers Running the World. The Role of Think Tanks, Foundations, Councils, NGOs …

‘In every period of history, there have been secondary governmental structures parallel to primary governments. These alternative power groups, which are also called “deep states” in our time, sometimes act alongside the government, supporting it but sometimes they raise difficulties for the government. In Ancient Rome, the Senate was comprised of nobles and balanced the imperial reign of the Emperors.
In the United Kingdom, the Privy Council, which acts above the monarch, has been the highest level of administration since the 12th century. There are examples of such structures in holy books as well; Pharaoh’s close circle by whom he was advised about his decisions and the Queen of Sheba’s administrators that she consulted about military matters, are examples of this.’
Read more: Alternative Power Centers Running the World. The Role of Think Tanks, Foundations, Councils, NGOs …

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