Aspartame the Deadly Poison

‘The open letter reprinted below was written by Dr. James Bowen years ago when he lived in Michigan. He is now in a VA Home in Oregon because of the ALS which he said was triggered by aspartame. Maybe it will save someone else from this horrible disease because its now well known the epidemics precipitated by this deadly carcinogen.
Dr. Bowen wanted aspertame removed from the market rather than labeled, because the cover-up was such a huge issue people would not realize they were consuming a literal addictive, excito-neurotoxic, genetically engineered, carcinogenic drug, adjuvant and teratogen, causing (among many other illnesses) neural tube defects in pregnant women with no warnings by doctors or manufacturers.
Aspartame must be factually labeled a carcinogen – a deadly chemical poison.’
Read more: Aspartame the Deadly Poison

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