Beware of Hidden Sugar

We all know the common ones, but what other names does sugar hide under? And what healthier alternative can we use instead?

Despite growing up in a relatively strict household, I, like so many other kids, spent the majority of my child and teenage years addicted to sugar. If my parents wouldn’t give me candy, I knew who would and I’d purposely spend a lot of time around them.

Once I hit high school, the world of sugar truly became my oyster. Cans of vanilla coke (42 g), bags of sour skittles (35 g), and plenty more were all available in exchange for a handful of coins in a cafeteria vending machine daily.

It wasn’t until my twenties that I personally began to clue into just how devastating the mass consumption of unnatural sugar can be to our health.

Of all the articles I’ve read, stories I’ve come across, and documentaries I’ve watched, there are three in particular that I find to be the most comprehensive and eye-opening:

What I particularly appreciated about the film Fed Up is that it gave me a general guideline for the maximum amount of sugar I should be exposing my body to over a 24 hour period. This total, of course, does not account for natural sugars, such as those found in many fruits, which when consumed whole are believed to be supported by their dietary fiber mitigating their potential negative effect on our body.

Since watching the film, I’ve set a personal goal of aiming to live as many days as possible consuming 30 grams of sugar. There are of course days where I exceed this amount, but I do my best to ensure these days are exceptions rather than the norm.

To identify the amount that is suitable for you, I suggest that you not only watch the film but also consult with a trusted health practitioner.

What Can I Use Instead?

While there are undoubtedly many options to substitute sugar within your life, the one that I personally have the most experience with is Just Like Sugar.

As the name suggests, the product tastes and operates remarkably similarly to traditional sugar. It is made from a blend of chicory root, dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, and natural flavors from the peel of an orange.

I’ve used it in the preparation of desserts, to sweeten hot beverages, and to add some much-needed flavor to bland oats.

What are some of your favorite sugar substitutes? Share them via the comment section below to equip us all with as many options as possible to cut back on sugar and optimize our health.

Reprinted with permission from Collective Evolution.

The post Beware of Hidden Sugar appeared first on LewRockwell.

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