Big Pharma Preps To Spend Hundreds Of Millions To Keep Drug Prices High

‘Facing an increasingly outraged public, the leading Big Pharma lobby group is hiking its annual dues by more than 50 percent as it prepares to defend its pharmaceutical company members against lawmakers and voters who want to rein in out-of-control drug prices.
Politico reported Tuesday that “PhRMA hopes to improve its public image next year and stave off any legislative action” in the wake of recent public scandals like those over EpiPen and Valeant. “It plans to run TV ads emphasizing how new drugs could add years to patients’ lives, as well as the years of complex research needed to develop a drug—in other words, a lot of money that must be recouped through high prices.”
To do so, it needs some extra cash.’
Read more: Big Pharma Preps To Spend Hundreds Of Millions To Keep Drug Prices High

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