Buy a Cheap Mattress, Have a Late Night, Toss Your Pillow

For the past 30 years, I’ve dedicated my life to sleep. I’ve been teaching sports stars from David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo to Victoria Pendleton and Laura Trott how to get the most out of their sleep.

What I’ve discovered is that much of the talk about sleep is nonsense. The secrets of waking up feeling rested don’t lie in spending as much as you can afford on a mattress or in trying to get eight hours a night.

In fact, if you really want a good night’s sleep — and who doesn’t? — it’s time to throw out the rule book and start again.

My top tips might sound contrary to common sense, but they’re the best you’ll ever hear…


The first thing to realise about the bedding industry is that there is very little regulation. Anyone can put the label ‘orthopaedic’ on a bed — they don’t have to be an osteopath or have put the mattress through loads of tests.

Manufacturers can make their springs smaller so they can fit 2,000 into a mattress to beat the 1,500-spring mattress advertised by their competitor, but that doesn’t necessarily make a better bed.

Bed shops can market a mattress as a 2,000-spring mattress when actually that’s how many are in the king-size with far fewer in the double.

So don’t buy a mattress because of the label on it. And that includes the price tag. There’s no point spending thousands on the wrong mattress. And people do.

Manufacturers claim their mattress will last ten years, so people justify spending £1,500 or more by saying that works out at only £150 a year.

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But after ten years, not only is that mattress full of stains, hair and dead skin cells, but however springy and firm it was at first, it will have degraded.

Far better to buy a mattress that is right for you and costs only £200 or £300, and replace it more regularly.

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The post Buy a Cheap Mattress, Have a Late Night, Toss Your Pillow appeared first on LewRockwell.

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