Canada On The Precipice Of Declaring All Natural Health Products As Drugs

‘According to the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA), 70% of Canadians take and use ultra-safe and effective natural health products (NHPs) and are confident in the current licensing of Natural Products Numbers (NPNs); it’s the envy of most other countries and this is about to change.
It is true, Canada is the envy of the world and for many reasons; today I am addressing just two: ethnic diversity and health care.
You have heard the statement “if it is not broken, don’t try to fix it”; this is one such example.
For example, take the cough syrup Benylin with codeine and the Chinese herbal cough medicine Pei Pa Koa, with licorice, honey, dandelion and kumquat; they are hardly the same, and for good reason. One is associated with a list of warnings and health risks, and the other is completely natural and ultra-safe.’

Read more: Canada On The Precipice Of Declaring All Natural Health Products As Drugs

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