Clinton’s State Department Waste and Mismanagement: $5.4 Million for a No-Bid Contract for Crystal Stemware Among Shocking Expenditures

‘Prior to becoming Secretary of State, U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton promised to work to “restore transparency and oversight to the federal contracting process.” However, upon taking office at the State Department, Clinton “failed miserably” to do just that, according to a new briefing out from the Republican National Committee that shows Clinton wasting billions in taxpayer funds.
Some of the highlights found in the report include:
$5.4 million for a no-bid contract for crystal stemware.
$630,000 to increase Facebook likes for the State Department.
$79,000 to get copies of President Obama’s book.’
Read more: Clinton’s State Department Waste and Mismanagement: $5.4 Million for a No-Bid Contract for Crystal Stemware Among Shocking Expenditures

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