Cop Out: Pennsylvania Bill That Bans Naming Officers Involved In Shootings Goes To Governor

‘The Pennsylvania legislature has passed a law prohibiting the release of officers’ names for up to 30 days after a police-related death has occurred. It was backed by Philadelphia police unions and will become law if signed by Democratic Governor Tom Wolf.
The measure passed Thursday after the Republican-controlled legislature voted along party lines. If the bill becomes law, it will prevent public officials from releasing the names of officers involved in shootings which cause death or “serious bodily injury” for up to 30 days after the incident, or until the conclusion of an official investigation.
The bill, HB 1538, was sponsored by state Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia) and is a direct contradiction of the Philadelphia Police Department’s policy of releasing names within 72 hours of a shooting.’

Read more: Cop Out: Pennsylvania Bill That Bans Naming Officers Involved In Shootings Goes To Governor

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