Emails Reveal Clintons’ ‘Sleazy’ And Intricate Relationship With Major Chemical Manufacturer

‘Emails recently released by the Obama administration expose just how intertwined was Clinton’s State Department, her family’s non-profit, and a controversial consulting firm called Teneo Holdings.
All three entities had close ties to Dow Chemical, the multinational chemical manufacturer headquartered in Midland, Mich.
Emails released by the State Department — some of which were provided to the watchdog group Citizens United — show that Dow’s CEO, Andrew Liveris, had such access to Hillary Clinton that he was able to personally pass the then-secretary of state a letter in 2010 that he hoped would help his company as it faced a political firestorm in India.’
Read more: Emails Reveal Clintons’ ‘Sleazy’ And Intricate Relationship With Major Chemical Manufacturer

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