Epic idiocy: NBC News ‘journalist’ Ron Allen announces that Obama’s climate change deal will stop hurricanes forever… even the hurricanes on Saturn?

‘Delusional democrats are doing everything in their power right now to link Hurricane Matthew to global warming, and the best example of the nonsense we’re witnessing on all this is found in a broadcast segment featuring NBC’s Ron Allen, a democrat operative who pretends to be a journalist.
While covering Obama’s comments on the Paris climate change agreement, Allen stated that Obama’s efforts were designed to stop hurricanes, as if somehow paying carbon taxes to Al Gore will halt the spinning of the Earth and the sun’s warming of the oceans — those are the two primary forces resulting in hurricanes, which exist on EVERY planet in the cosmos that has an atmosphere, a sun and some rotational momentum.’
Read more: Epic idiocy: NBC News ‘journalist’ Ron Allen announces that Obama’s climate change deal will stop hurricanes forever… even the hurricanes on Saturn?

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