Exposed: ‘Revolving door’ between British government and arms dealers

‘Peace campaigners have exposed the cozy relationship between the British government and the nation’s arms dealers by publishing details of meetings between weapons manufacturers and public officials.
According to data analyzed by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), the Defence and Security Organization (DSO) has had more than 1,000 meetings with industry representatives since 2010.
CAAT now suggests there is a “revolving door” between the British government and arms & security industries.
The group highlighted the case of current Leicestershire police and crime commissioner, Baron Willy Bach, who moved from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) procurement department to the directorship of aerospace and cybersecurity firm Leonardo-Finmeccanica shortly after he left the government in 2005.’
Read more: Exposed: ‘Revolving door’ between British government and arms dealers

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