Fake Websites, Fake Polls, Fake News, Fake Leaks: The Desperate Maneuvers of the Losing Clinton Campaign

Yes, Virginia, there really IS a poll fairy skewing the polls in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Yesterday, I wrote about a brand new leak that had come my way. I read through the first 5 pages, confirmed that the two entities in the document were genuine and were really in cahoots, and quickly got out the information that the polls we are seeing with Clinton in the lead are fake.
But, in full disclosure, I made a mistake. I really should have read the last 3 pages, because if I had, I wouldn’t have published the document as a legitimate leak. It was full of outrageous Hollywood sci-fi “salvage options” for the campaign that included magnetized mind control and a fake alien invasion.’
Read more: Fake Websites, Fake Polls, Fake News, Fake Leaks: The Desperate Maneuvers of the Losing Clinton Campaign

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