Fight Cravings and Shed Pounds

Anyone’s who’s ever tried to diet will know it’s a constant struggle not to give in and just have a Mars Bar.

But nutritionists claim that by eating certain superfoods, you can battle these urges and successfully lose weight.

FEMAIL asked two London-based weight loss experts for their top 10 superhealthy suppers that will fill you up – and help you shed the pounds.

1. SALMON   

Swap oil for coconut oil, which your body will use as instant fuel rather than storing it as far, says Lily.

‘Coconut oil is made up of unique fats called medium chain triglycerides, which have been shown to boost metabolism.

‘They are utilized by the body as an instant source of fuel in favor of being stored as fat.

‘These are two great reasons to eat more fat to lose fat. And coconut oil can be used within cooking or even topically as an antibacterial, anti-viral or as an anti-fungal agent.’

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