Generation Zapped: Documentary Highlights Health Risks Associated With Wireless Technology

‘Sabine El Gemayel, director and producer of Generation Zapped, highlights her solution-oriented documentary film investigating the growing body of research on the alarming health risks associated with wireless technology, as well as what the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Telecom Industry don’t want you to know.
I became aware of cell phone dangers about 6 years ago when I had a cranial nerve inflammation for 2 months and I would get shooting pains when my phone would ring. But I hadn’t made the correlation with all wireless technologies. About 3 years ago, I was visiting a private middle school for my 7th grader. One of the school’s touring staff opened a classroom and proudly said that each student had their own tablets and the teacher used a smart board.’

Read more: Generation Zapped: Documentary Highlights Health Risks Associated With Wireless Technology

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