Global Wealth Transfer Schemes Intentionally Widening the Income Gap

‘The gap between the rich and poor has become so extreme in the US, and all over the world as well, that it causing severe (and preventable) suffering, disease and even death.
If you think of society as divided into 3 classes (the upper, middle and lower classes), you can see in the following video how the wealth is being shifted to the upper class, and more specifically the super rich 1%, while at the same time many in the lower class are falling below the poverty line.
The poverty line is now advancing to those in the middle class, which means being in the middle class is becoming less meaningful: with the way things are going, even middle class people may still end up being in survival mode and living day-to-day or month-to-month.’

Read more: Global Wealth Transfer Schemes Intentionally Widening the Income Gap

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