Grandmother ordered to vacate, destroy treehouse home of 24 years

‘A Florida entrepreneur with a penchant for the unconventional is having her entire life turned upside down by code enforcement officials who insist that her humble abode of 24 years isn’t fit for habitation, and thus must be torn down within the next three months.
Even though Shawnee Chasser has been living in her fully-equipped treehouse for decades without issue, this 65-year-old grandmother is learning firsthand what the government is capable of when given the authority to decide how people can use their own private property.
According to Miami-Dade County code enforcement division director Ricardo Roig, Chasser’s treehouse was built illegally and can’t be brought up to code. There is therefore no other option than to have it removed for safety reasons.’
Read more: Grandmother ordered to vacate, destroy treehouse home of 24 years

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