Green Is the New Gold

Some of you may have noticed that I have “gone quiet” over the last few weeks regarding the Precious Metals sector, and I have actually been asked by one subscriber if I have given up on the sector.

My response was:

“We have not lost sight of the thunderous bull market that is currently incubating in gold and silver, that will spin off huge opportunities in Precious Metals stocks, which is an inevitable outcome of the deepening financial crisis resulting from a snowballing of the debt and derivative problems that were not solved following the crisis of 2008, but were only papered over by means of financial engineering and printing money. The reasonable presumption is that, rather than let the system implode, those responsible for this mess will resort to the only option left open to them – so-called “helicopter money”, which is, needless to say, highly inflationary, and will be a principal driver for the expected huge ramp in gold and silver prices.“

In the interim, whilst bullish factors coalesce for the Precious Metals, we have been keeping an eye on other sectors, and in particular the marijuana sector, which is making great strides forward in both the recreational and

The post Green Is the New Gold appeared first on LewRockwell.

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