Hillary Is Such a Nasty Marxist

Nothing outrages Progressives more than the truth. Predictably, then, when Donald Trump voiced the undeniable fact that Hitlary Clinton is “such a nasty woman,” the mindless masses howled with fury.

I am no Trumpette. Nor did I watch any of the debates, including the last one with Mr. T’s comment. So I was incredulous as I scanned the headlines the next morning that those four words had earned The Donald yet another stoning from the corporate media and the aforementioned masses. What is so inherently “sexist,” so patently worthy of excoriation, in the phrase, “nasty woman”? If you’re as unfortunate as I, you’ve known plenty of nasty people, some of them male; nastiness is hardly exclusive to women. Indeed, Ed Koch, one of New York City’s former führers, called Rudy Giuliani, another former führer, a Nasty Man. In print, no less.

Recall, too, that Hitlary hasn’t exactly hidden her nastiness during four decades of sponging off us, and she’s traded on her sex every time

Nor can we forgive this Satanic doctrine for emasculating men and American society. Feminism demonizes traditionally masculine traits, from logic and riskiness to discipline and rigor, while idolizing softness, irrationality, and emotion. It’s of a piece with the promotion of sodomy and “transgenderism”: why not transmute base masculinity into the gold of fake femininity? And since women, even feminism’s hateful and faux ones, are far easier to tyrannize than strong, courageous men, Marxist American governments enthusiastically push feminism’s agenda.

It’s no coincidence that Trump scolded the “nasty woman” when “Clinton was speaking about her commitment to ‘raise taxes on the wealthy’…

If that isn’t nasty—and Marxist—what is?

The post Hillary Is Such a Nasty Marxist appeared first on LewRockwell.

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