How Big Food Hijacked America’s Dietary Policy and Got Millions Addicted to Sugar

‘Public awareness regarding the dangers of sugar is increasing daily. But why is this anti-sugar movement only gaining enough strength and support to make a real difference now? The truth is, we haven’t had access to the full set of data until recently. Additionally, we have been lied to and deceived by the food industry. This deception is especially the case regarding the sugar industry and select scientists who have covered up sugar’s ill effects. In essence, these people sold out our health for corporate and personal profit.
Unfortunately, the American public and people worldwide are experiencing the consequences. As we replaced natural sources of fat for sugar (and excess carbohydrate in general), soaring rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other conditions of the metabolic syndrome soon followed.’
Read more: How Big Food Hijacked America’s Dietary Policy and Got Millions Addicted to Sugar

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