How the Federal Government Is Using America’s Concern with Bullying as an Excuse to Spy on Teens

‘The Obama administration is instructing the multiple federal agencies behind the national Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program to “find opportunities” to integrate into bullying prevention networks at the local level, according to a strategic plan released by the White House last week. The move could open the door for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to apply a counter-terror mentality to youth wellness and safety, in a national environment where law enforcement already plays an outsized role in the education system.
The new guidelines are already raising concerns among civil rights advocates, who say that a federal counter-terror program has no place in school discipline—and will only put children at greater risk of being funneled into the prison system or suffering mistreatment themselves.’
Read more: How the Federal Government Is Using America’s Concern with Bullying as an Excuse to Spy on Teens

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